Tuesday, 29 November 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 23

Should prison inmates be allowed to take college courses? Explain why or why not.

Why not? Everyone is in tiled to some sort of education, if they believe that education is a free and deserved right. If the country is part of the UN and has to follows laws that all member states have to take into considerations, then whether the court house and the prison guards feels like it not, everyone present in that country has a right to education.
Educating prison mates may be taken in the wrong way, people may think that they should not receive it since; they would pursue what they did after they got out, and that education could make matters worse. Sensibly, the teacher would not teach how to make homemade explosives, or kung fu, or mechanics that would help to benefit the prison inmates from escaping and using their knowledge outside the walls to pursue their goals. Education also does not have to be teaching the illiterate their alphabets or learning how to write, education that should be taught at a prison should be on how the inmates can use their time productively fro the remainder of their stay, getting involved without organizations outside the walls of prison and making a commitment of what they can learn, and work from them. However, this is all just words, nothing is that easy, but for people that do not seem to be leaving the walls of prison, it will not hurt to learn. The prison mates would have actually learnt something productive at prison and probably in their whole life, for their fist time they would be able to make their choices sensibly, and be sucked into chaos of the jail( that is if they stay) and if they get out, the prison mates can make better and perfect choice for their survival.

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