Friday 27 January 2012

What's the difference

An international team of scientist demonstrate the worlds first soap that responds to magnets. In further development the soap could be used to clean up oil spills and waste water. The detergent action of the soaps is able to grip on oil surfaces, thus clean up an oil spill. The new soap is said to be similar to ordinary soap but this soap contains iron atoms that respond  to magnets. Professor Eastoe and his team started with detergents molecules, and then found a way to add iron atoms into the to molecules. the team sent their research  to the Institute Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France. An intense beam of  sub-atomic particles called neutrons shed light in the matter. They saw iron particles clumped together that could  respond to magnetic fields.The research is still in laboratory phases, but has been taken into discussion.

Response: Its a great idea, why should we spend more time and money on the use of detergents to clean up oil spills, we should be finding ways to make oil drilling less dangerous, towards us and the marine biosphere, we should be looking for ways to make the transport of oil less dangerous and complicated. Tanker should be well protected, from every possible threat that hits it from the outside; the ship maintenance check should be done more carefully. Technical devices that help the tanker to navigate should be in check, and the captain should know what he is dealing with. Why spend time on any of this. We should not be drilling holes anyways.  We should be all pro Nuclear. Nuclear energy is more sustainable, its cheaper and less dangerous to the environment, also it needs protection. We should all be pro nulear, we should Throrium reactors, they are hybrid reactors that can be be built in the ground next to our homes, the element thorium is cheap, and alos works as a protective covering, it does not shed any radiations and is proliferation proof.
  • Detergent
a.The "detergent" action of soap comes from its ability to attach to oily,grimy surfaces, with the "water-hating" end breaking up molecules at that surface.
b.Origin: Adjective; Cleansing,purging; 1610-20; (< F) < Latin dētergent-  (stem of dētergēns ) wiping off(present participle of dētergēre ).
c. Detergent is always used in washing clothes.
  • Applications
a. Experts say that with further development, it could find applications in clearing oil spill and waste water.
b.Origin: the quality of being usable for a particular purpose, or in a specific way. 1375-1425; late Middle English applicacio  (< Middle French 
c. The wheel is the modern world has a lot of applications.

  • Neutrons
a..An intense beam of the sub-atomic particles known as neutrons shed light on the matter.
b. Neutrons: Noun;An elementary particle having no change.
Origin: 1920-25; neutr(o)-  + -on1
c. Neutron's are present in an atom

Tuesday 24 January 2012

The Cool Elephants

Published: 24 January 2012.
Accessed: 24 January 2012

Scientist from the University of Guelph, Canada have used thermal imaging cameras to record how Asian elephants cool themselves at night at the Busch Gardens zoological park in Florida, USA. During the  day when the elephants are in the open the cameras pick up  their heat signatures. The cameras show that the elephant maintain a steady overall temperature. The core areas come up red, and the cooler areas come up as greenish – blue on their backs. The species are known to flicker mud using their trunks, onto their backs to cool them. Images taken at night show a major difference in heat signatures as the elephants transfer their heat to their trunks. The areas around the eyes and the trunks appear white in color.
Studies show that African elephants dispose off their heat by the big enormous ears, but in the case of Asian elephants, their bodies s much smaller and therefore do not radiate much heat.

The human race has said to have evolved, the most. As a race we have evolved very little from our predecessor, but have changed the world according to our needs. The animal kingdom has evolved the most. We have never been avoiding the heat; we use AC's, cooler and other machines, but have never found a way to dispose of it. It is only recently that I found out that elephants use their trunks to cool themselves, i  have always had the understanding that they would either use mud or water to cool themselves, even other animals use the same technique or have evolved in other ways to get rid of heat. 

  • Dissipate:
a.Understanding how elephants dissipate heat overnight.
b.Dissipate:Verb, To scatter in various directions.
Origin: 1525-25; < Latin dissipātus  (past participle of dissipāre, dissupāre to scatter).
C. The arrival of the Langur dissipates the macaques.

  • Flick:
a.The species are known to flick mud or dirt in their backs.
b.Flick:To move (something) with a sudden stroke or jerk.
Origin:1400–50; late Middle English flykke;  apparently imitative
c.There was an ant on my arm, so i flicked it off.

  • Effective:
a.they [are] very much less effective[ at heat loss], than the larger African elephant's ears.
b.Effective:adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intendedor expected result: effective teaching methods; effective stepstoward peace.
Origin:1350–1400; Middle English  < Latin effectīvus  practical, equivalentto effect us ), past participle of efficere .
c.The bullet shot from a gun is effective in hurting somebody.

Sunday 15 January 2012

There is so much to say.

If animals could talk, what would your pet say about you?

If animals could talk, it would be weird but at the same time  really cool. I have had dogs ever since i can remember, moving to the foothills of India. I first dog, Kajal was introduced to my family in 2001. She is the oldest of the lot. Since she is still ageing, she has been demanding a lot of things. Longer walks, longer time for sleeping in  bed, sleeping where she feels like, demanding for more food, whether its meat/pedigree in the food, or treats/ baked goods tat my sister makes. She loves baked goods. If she could talk she would, talk about the care, love and more love she has got over the years,but still feel left out since we have another dog, her son Chingu, who i favour a lot. She would  say i favour  her son more, but then for the stuff i just mentioned i she would blackmail me, into letting her get all that, but that wont happen, as long as she can chase monkeys, she is fit.
On the other hand, i have a good master - pet relationship. I favour more him, since the family thinks Kaju is getting is old, she deserves more. Since i favour him the most , everything is extended, Meals, walks, treats, but even with that he always wants more. He would praise me, and my efforts, but still say that i should do more for him.

There is so much to say.

If animals could talk, what would your pet say about you?

If animals could talk, it would be weird but at the same time  really cool. I have had dogs ever since i can remember, moving to the foothills of India. I first dog, Kajal was introduced to my family in 2001. She is the oldest of the lot. Since she is still ageing, she has been demanding a lot of things. Longer walks, longer time for sleeping in  bed, sleeping where she feels like, demanding for more food, whether its meat/pedigree in the food, or treats/ baked goods tat my sister makes. She loves baked goods. If she could talk she would, talk about the care, love and more love she has got over the years,but still feel left out since we have another dog, her son Chingu, who i favour a lot. She would  say i favour  her son more, but then for the stuff i just mentioned i she would blackmail me, into letting her get all that, but that wont happen, as long as she can chase monkeys, she is fit.
On the other hand, i have a good master - pet relationship. I favour more him, since the family thinks Kaju is getting is old, she deserves more. Since i favour him the most , everything is extended, Meals, walks, treats, but even with that he always wants more. He would praise me, and my efforts, but still say that i should do more for him.

Friday 6 January 2012

MoNey mOnEy money!!!!

202.Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion?
Every day, of every hour the world tries to make and use money. So much time is spent in making daily wages big or small, why wait. When money is at hand it should be spent, enjoy it; use it on food, entertainment, and other things that bring excitement to you. I would certainly to that. The only reason to save something would be to think that it would last, have a long shelf life. In India money is made out of paper, I do not know about other countries, but paper is fragile. It can tear, burn, disintegrate, get destroyed. Whether, you put in your wallet, the money will disappear, put the cash or the coins in a safe, it will either get stolen, or use will lose the key or or forget the combination. Give it to a bank, same problem, give it to a person and you will never see it again. After considering all that, the country economy comes into effect. If the value of the currency drops, it becomes useless, if the value rises, other countries using it will not buy it, and there will be no importing or exporting of services and goods in country. If the country prints a lot of notes, the value on the currency also reduces, if the country does not print, there is money shortage, and there might not even be a country.  Also, when money is stashed away somewhere you do not really know what you would want to use it for, it just remains idle and does not move, also if it is not moved around, people do not have it, and the you come back to the problem of more money being needed. In think that should solve the question of whether money should be spent or not.

Sunday 1 January 2012


230.What do you do on a rainy day?
As long as I can remember, rainy days have all been dull, sad, boring, never ending, cold, moist, wet, windy, dark. EXCEPT for the days in summer, this always brought about happiness, joy, excitement, fun, even though it was dark, wet, cold and moist.  The whole day has now been limited to nothing, nothing can be done. Mornings are no longer mornings, the whole day just seems to drag on. Getting out of bed is trouble, so i just lay in bed for the few more hours, until I cannot handle the boredom.  Then I go down stairs,, take my sleeping bag, sit on the couch. Get a fire going, get some nice hot food and return to my nice, warm sleeping bag, I now begin the day. Turn the TV on, and just sit, waiting, looking for something that would take my mind of things. The whole day at home would be spent like this. IN school, it does not affect anything, except the life around the campus. Away from home, makes things worse, there is no life, the staff at camp are sleeping, the animals in the jungle are sleeping, only the wind can be hear howling, carrying the rain with it. Life in the jungle stops, my day is even worse here, it s been raining for the past three days, and i have spent 3/4 of my day inside room or the other, trying to out run the rain, and forget it. Night is close, and I only wait to see what will happen tomorrow.

The Cool Elephants

In pictures: How elephants cool off overnight, by University of Guelph.

Published: 24 January 2012.
Accessed: 24 January 2012

Scientist from the University of Guelph, Canada have used thermal imaging cameras to record how Asian elephants cool themselves at night at the Busch Gardens zoological park in Florida, USA. During the  day when the elephants are in the open the cameras pick up  their heat signatures. The cameras show that the elephant maintain a steady overall temperature. The core areas come up red, and the cooler areas come up as greenish – blue on their backs. The species are known to flicker mud using their trunks, onto their backs to cool them. Images taken at night show a major difference in heat signatures as the elephants transfer their heat to their trunks. The areas around the eyes and the trunks appear white in color.
Studies show that African elephants dispose off their heat by the big enormous ears, but in the case of Asian elephants, their bodies s much smaller and therefore do not radiate much heat.

The human race has said to have evolved, the most. As a race we have evolved very little from our predecessor, but have changed the world according to our needs. The animal kingdom has evolved the most. We have never been avoiding the heat; we use AC's, cooler and other machines, but have never found a way to dispose of it. It is only recently that I found out that elephants use their trunks to cool themselves, i  have always had the understanding that they would either use mud or water to cool themselves, even other animals use the same technique or have evolved in other ways to get rid of heat. 

  • Dissipate:
a.Understanding how elephants dissipate heat overnight.
b.Dissipate:Verb, To scatter in various directions.
Origin: 1525-25; < Latin dissipātus  (past participle of dissipāre, dissupāre to scatter).
C. The arrival of the Langur dissipates the macaques.

  • Flick:
a.The species are known to flick mud or dirt in their backs.
b.Flick:To move (something) with a sudden stroke or jerk.
Origin:1400–50; late Middle English flykke;  apparently imitative
c.There was an ant on my arm, so i flicked it off.

  • Effective:
a.they [are] very much less effective[ at heat loss], than the larger African elephant's ears.
b.Effective:adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intendedor expected result: effective teaching methods; effective stepstoward peace.
Origin:1350–1400; Middle English  < Latin effectīvus  practical, equivalentto effect us ), past participle of efficere .
c.The bullet shot from a gun is effective in hurting somebody.